Let your
true colours shine

We inspire young minds to be confident and resilient through artful counselling services.

Growing up
is hard to do.

As experienced guidance counsellors, we get it. The world our teens, tweens and children are growing up in is a busy, whirlwind place to be. It can be a lot to take.
And the truth is, many young people are struggling. In fact, Beyond Blue shares that one in seven young people aged 4 to 17 experience a mental health condition in any given year.
So, we’ve made it our job to empower teens, tweens, children and adults to improve their self-esteem, resilience and emotional wellbeing through fun, artful counselling services. To inspire them to find their true colours. So they can shine with confidence. Can we help your child too?
Learn more about us
When things aren’t OK for your child, it can look like this:
Struggling to cope with change
Friendship challengeS
Hating school

Real Talk

"My daughter is brighter and happier in herself.
She says “they work”! She will reflect on the activity … and I can tell the lesson content has been absorbed."
Jen explaining the process to a group of children painting.
Jen Ryan, Master Counsellor
MEd, GDipEd(Sec), BFA(Photo), BBus


Because it’s fun.

At Creative Connection, we design fun, friendly psycho-educational programs focused on developing emotional wellbeing in a safe space. Our content is constructed from academic research and aims to unleash creativity. Naturally.
With Jen, our Level 3 Master Counsellor, as their guide, budding artists explore the gamut of human emotions through artistic activities that spark joy and meaning.
Join us online or at our vibrant art studio in north Brisbane.


We're Legit

2023 Winner
Nudgee Small
Business Awards
Health, Wellbeing & Fitness
Bachelor of Education (Visual Arts)
Master Qualified Guidance Counsellor


With our professional, artful counselling services, your child can become better at:
Understanding emotions
Being in charge of their emotions
Motivating themselves
Reading the emotions of others
Building and fostering healthy friendships
Decision making
Positive self-talk, self-image and confidence
Because every Creative Connection activity is designed to improve emotional literacy and wellbeing. We just make it fun!
A young mother crouched down next to her child as he looks around the workshop room.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Find answers to your questions about Creative Connection’s programs.
See all our FAQs
What’s different about Creative Connection?

Creative Connection isn’t just an art class. Creative Connection offers counselling sessions for teens, tweens and children with a Level 3 Master Counsellor. We explore emotional understanding through artistic expression. And we make it fun.

What programs are on offer?

Creative Connection offers in-studio and online term-long artful counselling programs for teens, tweens, children and adults. Run by a qualified counsellor, our programs are research-driven, creative explorations to develop emotional literacy and wellbeing.

What is emotional literacy?

Emotional literacy is your ability to identify, understand and appropriately express emotions. It was brought to international attention in 1995 by Psychologist Daniel Gorman, author of Emotional Intelligence. These days, it’s considered a critical foundation for our intelligence and prosperity.

What happens in each session?

In every session, we talk about emotions. That is, naming and describing how we are feeling. We discuss how the feeling looks, feels, and sounds. We also talk about what to do when we feel a negative emotion. From there, the session is guided by the group’s open conversation as we create artwork. And most importantly, every session helps build emotional literacy.

Who takes the sessions?

Our Founder, Jen Ryan, is a Level 3 Master Counsellor and guides every session. Jen holds a Master's in Education, a Bachelor of Arts in Photography, a Graduate Diploma in Education, and a Bachelor of Business. She is also a registered teacher with a Blue Card, NDIS Clearance Card and First Aid Certificate.

What age can you start attending sessions?

Children need to be able to sit, create and listen. Around 5-6 years of age is a great time to start. That said, each student is different and depends on the child. Our general age range guide is:

Child: 5-8 years
Tweens: 9-13 years
Teens: 13-18 years

Start creating a happy, heartful life.

Book a spot in one of our artful counselling sessions now or get in touch with our team.